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[Beidou Financial Media] "The National light industry vocational colleges' Big ideological and political course 'establishment Alliance and Liaoning Province higher vocational colleges curriculum Ideological and political demonstration course construction special training meeting" was held in Dalian

为了深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于职业教育、思政课建设的重要论述,Build a national light industry vocational colleges "big ideological and political courses" construction exchange platform,We should focus on thematic education,We will promote the high-quality development of ideological and political courses in light industry vocational colleges,Promote the implementation of curriculum ideological and political demonstration projects,Approved by China Association of Vocational and Technical Education,Guided by Liaoning Provincial Department of Education,Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College combined with Xinhuanet and related domestic vocational colleges,Establishment of "National Light Industry Vocational Colleges' Ideological and Political Course 'construction Alliance",The founding meeting was held in Dalian on July 8,And carry out the special training of ideological and political demonstration course construction in Liaoning higher vocational colleges。

The meeting was chaired by Lv Zhenkai, vice president of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry,Wang Canal, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry, Meng Yuan, General manager of Xinhuanet Education Center, Gao Hongmei, Secretary General of Liaoning Vocational and Technical Association, Hu Chengbo, Director of Propaganda Department of Liaoning Provincial Education and Work Committee, and Director of Ideological and Political Department of Liaoning Provincial Education Department,Liu Baomin, deputy Secretary-General of China Vocational and Technical Education Association and director of Moral Education Work Committee (online) attended the establishment ceremony and delivered a speech,They come from Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry, Guangdong Vocational College of Light Industry, Shandong Vocational College of Light Industry, Tianjin Vocational College of Light Industry, Beijing Vocational College of Industry, Changzhou Textile and Garment College, Linyi Vocational College of Technology, Liaoning Geological Engineering Vocational College, Dalian Vocational College of Technology, Liaoning Petrochemical Vocational College, Shenyang Art School of Light Industry, Dalian School of Light Industry, etcNearly 350 representatives from more than 50 vocational colleges attended the meeting。

At the founding of the alliance,Wang Canal, Party secretary of Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry, first delivered a speech,He extended a warm welcome to the leaders, guests and teachers from all schools,After introducing the construction practice of "Big ideological and political course" in Liaoning Vocational College of Light industry,Wang Yunhe emphasizes,The establishment of the "National light industry vocational colleges' Big ideological and political courses' construction alliance",It is a great and happy event for the counterparts of the national light industry vocational colleges and Liaoning vocational colleges to further promote the construction of "big ideological and political course",Be worthy of congratulations。The alliance will take "inter-school union, regional cooperation, exchange and mutual assistance, seek innovation and collaborative development" as its purpose,In the light industry vocational college ideological and political course construction community, the construction of ideological and political course teaching exchange platform, the construction of innovative research exchange platform and so on,Carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation between different regions and universities,Jointly promote the construction of ideological and political courses in alliance units。The special training of demonstration course construction jointly held with Xinhuanet is a useful attempt。Liaoning Light Industry Vocational College will fully fulfill the responsibilities of the chairman unit, serve the brother colleges, and wish the alliance a better and better。

接着,Meng Yuan, general manager of Xinhuanet education business Center, spoke,He spoke highly of the construction of red cultural resources and ideological and political education achievements in Liaoning's "six places",The educational resources of Xinhua Ideological and Political Science are introduced in general,Meng Yuan representation,The establishment conference of the National light industry Vocational colleges "Big ideological and political course" construction alliance and the special training course on the construction of ideological and political demonstration course in Liaoning higher vocational colleges,It will further promote the high-level construction of curriculum ideological and political teaching research and demonstration projects,Summarize and exchange construction experience and practices,Promote the overall improvement of the consciousness and ability of first-line teachers and teaching management personnel in curriculum ideological and political construction,Promote the high-quality development of ideological and political theory courses in vocational colleges in the new era,We will comprehensively improve the quality of personnel training。Xinhuanet will also continue to invest in editing and reviewing forces,Power of communication,Technical force,Welcome the quality resources of major universities online to Xinhua Ideological and political,Create a unique vocational college education business card,Work together to build a characteristic resource library,We will strengthen the sharing of high-quality resources,Set an example and lead the whole country,Jointly promote the high-quality construction and development of curriculum ideology and politics。

Then Gao Hongmei, secretary-general of Liaoning Vocational and Technical Education Association, gave a speech, and she warmly welcomed all the leaders and teachers in the country and the province, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the provincial Education Department, the guiding unit, and the sponsoring, undertaking and supporting units。高红梅秘书长指出,本次大会的召开,是辽宁职业院校深入学习党的二十大精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强建设教育强国重要讲话精神,多措并举推动高校思政课守正创新、越办越好的具体实践。It is necessary to further understand the importance and urgency of curriculum ideological and political construction, strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission of deepening curriculum ideological and political construction, and promote the ideological and political curriculum to go with the curriculum。We should fully understand the significance of comprehensively promoting the construction of "big ideological and political course" under the new situation, effectively put the construction of "big ideological and political course" in a more prominent position, keep in mind the "six needs", implement the "eight unification", and promote the conformal development of ideological and political course construction。

After that, Hu Chengbo, director of the Propaganda Department of the Education and Work Committee of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and Director of the Ideological and Political Department of the Liaoning Provincial Education Department, delivered a speech,First of all, on behalf of the Education Working Committee of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education, he extended warm congratulations on the establishment of the alliance and the smooth opening of the training class,After the general introduction of Liaoning university "big ideological and political course" construction situation,Director Hu Chengbo put forward three requirements for Liaoning vocational colleges:


Second, to build a high quality ideological and political course, we must always insist on making efforts in teaching a good ideological and political course。The key to a good ideological and political course lies in the teacher。Teachers should make clear the fundamental direction and value to follow,Master the method of cultivating the soul;To break down disciplinary barriers,Carry out special training on ideology and politics,Promote "ideological and political curriculum" and "curriculum ideological and political curriculum" in the same direction;It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of problems and highlight the practical orientation,Promote the combination of small ideological and political classes with large social classes;The communication and cooperation between ideological and political teaching institutions should be strengthened constantly,Build an integrated teaching and research platform for ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools。Through collective lesson preparation, teaching discussion, special training, resource sharing and other integrated ideological and political teaching demonstration activities, we can help teachers better grasp the teaching focus, promote the realization of the teaching objectives of each section, further enhance the pertinence and improve the effectiveness, and achieve the realization of the mind and heart。

Third, comprehensively promote the construction of "major ideological and political courses"。In the high quality construction and development of ideological and political courses in the new era, we should constantly improve the system and mechanism of "big ideological and political courses" and gather the concerted efforts of the whole society to educate people。

After the inauguration ceremony of the "National light industry vocational colleges' Big ideological and political course 'construction Alliance",Liu Baomin, deputy Secretary-General of China Vocational and Technical Education Society and director of Moral Education Work Committee, spoke remotely,他强调指出:“大思政课”理念是习近平总书记关于办好思政课重要论述的核心要义,It is also the "golden key" to run a good ideological and political course.。2022年7月,Ten departments including the Ministry of Education issued the Work Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of the "Major Ideological and Political Courses",On the basis of summarizing the construction achievements of "Big ideological and political course",It points out the direction for the "great ideological and political course",Important work arrangements have been made for reforming and innovating main channel teaching, making good use of large social classrooms, building a large resource platform, and building a large teacher system。To crack the "pain points" and "difficulties" of the current ideological and political courses in vocational colleges,Do a good job of "professional flavor" ideological and political lessons,就要依据习近平关于办好思政课的重要论述、特别是关于“大思政课”重要论述,Based on the historical orientation of the new era,The ideological and political course is considered in the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, in the strategy of the needs of The Times and the overall change, and in the space-time scene and the big history of training new people worthy of the era of national rejuvenation,Plan under the objective conditions of vocational education personnel training,We should base ourselves on the "two big picture" and bear in mind the "great state".,Aim for the "big goal" and build the "big pattern"。

Secretary-general Liu Baomin pointed out that the difficulty of the "big ideological and political course" lies in reflecting the professionalism, highlighting the practicality, and the cultivation of "big teachers"。He then combined with the case of professional courses in the field of light industry to carry out curriculum ideological and political construction, and focused on solving the problem that the "big ideological and political course" is not professional (vocational) and not attractive, and made a special lecture。

At 10:40 am, after the establishment ceremony of the "National light industry vocational colleges' Big Ideological and political course 'construction Alliance," the course began to train ideological and political experts。Professor Sun Xianming of Shandong University of Technology, Professor Ding Yihao, Dean of Graduate School of Northeast University, Professor Yu Binggru of Changsha Civil Affairs Vocational and Technical College, and Professor Zhang Changying of Nanjing Polytechnic University respectively made "Interpretation of the construction elements of the Curriculum Ideological and Political Demonstration Course", "The Difficulties and pain Points of the Curriculum Ideological and Political Construction", "Fine Carving Fine Course - Design and Implementation of the National Curriculum Ideological and Political Demonstration Course"."Adhere to moral tree people,Implement and cultivate moral skills,Approach to curriculum Thinking and politics "theme report。

On July 9, some students went to the museum of the old Russo Prison in Lushun, Dalian, for a practical investigation。

The establishment of the national light industry vocational colleges "big ideological and political courses" construction alliance,It is an active exploration of horizontal integration of "industry + ideology and politics",It will definitely condense the broad consensus of the construction of "big ideological and political course" in the national light industry vocational colleges,Build a regional "big ideological and political course" construction of the exchange platform,Play a leading role in radiation,Effectively promote the improvement of the level of ideological and political course construction of alliance units。